


较低的学校 students at computers


Our instruction is tailored to children’s innate curiosity, developmental needs, and creative impulses. Teachers collaborate to produce engaging lessons that nurture inquisitiveness, intellectual courage, 和共鸣. 我们的院长提倡最先进的项目,以支持课程开发和学生福祉, and our energetic Parents’ Association helps facilitate classroom events, 实地考察旅行, celebrations of diversity, and conversations about parenting practices.

For more detailed information about 聚’s 较低的学校 curriculum 按年级,我们的幼儿课程,小学课程和专业科目,请参阅我们的 curriculum guide.

较低的学校 课程 Guide for the 2022-23 Academic Year
  • 艺术

    Through the study of art, 较低的学校 students learn to think creatively, see the world from multiple perspectives, 并建立一种丰富的新语言来表达他们自己和他们的艺术身份. Our curriculum synthesizes both product- and process-centered art making, 同时强调每个孩子的想象力,鼓励艺术实验和冒险. Students enjoy new media and projects in each grade, including needle felting, 木工, 肖像画, 画线, 陶器, 和更多的. 在四年级, students sketch a famous artwork of their choice, such as a Kehinde Wiley portrait, 在凳子的座位上,并应用他们在低年级时学到的所有绘画技巧,因为他们画和复制艺术品. 学生的 artwork is displayed on a rotating basis throughout the 较低的学校, 在每年春天的低年级开放学校之夜,学生作品的正式展览正在展出.

  • 跳舞

    In our sun-filled Aberlin 跳舞 Studio, 学生专注于通过想象、手势和动作来表达感情和想法. Young dancers explore the gestural properties of arms, 腿, 手, 脚, 手指, 脚趾, 头, 还有躯干. 他们学习移动的方法,然后参加简短的运动项目和舞蹈游戏,帮助训练他们的协作运动. 1-4年级的学生开始体验并掌握越来越复杂的舞蹈词汇,以编舞自己的作品,并在每个学年结束时为家长表演舞蹈.

  • 读写能力

    较低的学校培养终身热爱阅读和通过书面文字表达思想的能力. Beginning in the youngest grades, teachers use sight, 听力, 触摸, 运动可以帮助孩子将语言与字母和单词联系起来,培养基本的阅读技能. As students move through the grades, 当他们欣赏和分析各种体裁时,他们的关注点从解码转向语言理解. By fourth grade, 学生在产生和探索复杂问题的过程中领导自己的文学圈, identify symbolism and other literary devices, discuss themes and morals, and practice taking multiple perspectives. 所有年级, students learn to express themselves in writing, conducting research and summarizing their ideas in essays, crafting clear and engaging personal narratives, and developing their voices as growing authors. In addition to their daily English Language 艺术 classes, 每周访问低年级图书馆和引人入胜的作者访问计划激励我们的学生成为终身读者.

  • 数学

    Problem solving is at the heart of 较低的学校 mathematics. Our research-based approach includes powerful visual models, engaging 手-on activities, 在学生发展数学推理技能的过程中,从具体经验到抽象表征的有意进展. Rather than focusing on rote memorization, 学生们在学习多种操作数字和解决多步骤问题的方法时,建立了他们的思维敏捷性. Through school-wide math challenges curated by our 数学 Specialist, 学生可以运用他们的技能,并将自己视为更大社区中的数学家.

  • 音乐

    我们认识到音乐对儿童的智力和情感发展至关重要. 孩子们在三年级学习各种各样的歌曲,并与父母和朋友分享 & 4 Winter Concert and Spring Concert. By the time they graduate, 我们所有的学生都能唱歌,并通过演奏木琴体验了基本的管弦乐乐器, 录音机, 和鼓. Throughout the curriculum, we emphasize learning to harmonize and work together. 我们也鼓励学生在放学后或通过我们的午餐音乐课计划参加个人音乐课.

  • Physical Education

    The two 较低的学校 P.E. teachers not only train students in physical skills used in a variety of sports, but also how to collaborate with their teammates. 通过提供一个友好的环境,让各个层次的孩子都能磨练自己的技能.E. is about having fun, trying new games, and being kind to those around us. 表现出良好的体育精神和诚实是保利低年级体育项目的重点.

  • 科学

    我们的科学实验室为学生提供了在每个年级进行动手实验的机会. As early as Kindergarten, 年轻的学习者探索如何使用科学工具,如放大镜和显微镜. Students are encouraged to ask questions, to think as scientists and develop hypotheses, 并进行一步一步的实验,这需要他们收集和组织数据并得出结论. 可持续发展项目帮助学生了解我们共同的生态系统的复杂性,并使他们参与思考他们在世界上发现的问题的解决方案.

  • 社会研究

    In the 较低的学校, students develop research techniques from a young age by asking questions, interviewing friends and neighbors, making observations, and visiting places of interest. As students get older, they learn to gather information from primary sources and other material, identify the characteristics of trustworthy information sources, 挑战自己,从多个角度思考历史和时事. 小组讨论和得出结论是我们课程的关键,因为学生探索基本问题, such as “How does geography affect 文化?” and “How have past events shaped what’s happening today?“学生们在各种体验式学习活动中展示他们的理解, 从步行穿过十大网堵平台大桥,学习大桥的建造故事,到参观日本协会,扩展他们对这个国家的研究,再到撰写十大网堵平台过去不同社区的报告和创建模型. 实地考察和接触真实的文物和活动在丰富我们的社会研究课程中发挥着不可或缺的作用.

  • 西班牙语

    Since 2012, 较低的学校 has offered 西班牙语 as part of the curriculum. The main objective is to expose students to the language, 文化, and customs of the 西班牙语-speaking world, which spans 22 countries and four continents, 包括纽约市社区的重要组成部分,我们的学生和家庭在这里生活和工作. 我们相信,从小学习一门语言的最好方法是让学生积极地用这门语言交流, learning to speak, 听, and think in 西班牙语. 因此, 我们的西班牙语课程采用交际方法,侧重于该语言的实际和社会用途.

  • 技术

    在低年级,从预读到学习在互联网上做论文研究,技术是每个课堂体验的一部分. There is also a time for students to come to the Tech Lab, where students have access to age-appropriate technology, 平面设计, 3D打印机, and robotics equipment. Formal coding and keyboarding instruction begins in third grade, 但是所有年级的学生都学习逻辑和顺序思维的重要性.

